EU GRANT Active Project Portable multi-gases analyzer based on QCL source NETHELIX project is a visionary undertaking aimed at revolutionizing the mining sector thanks to its real-life settings a toolbox of new technologies for automating and streamlining the extraction process. These technologies will make use of mining and waste deposit processing methods, maximizing efficiency, reducing […]
EU GRANT Active Project Laser weeding with based on high-power multi-QCL source There is an urgent need to move towards sustainable weed management strategies. Agroecology offers a unique approach & seeks to transform food & agriculture systems, providing long-term solutions. Weeds are expected to become more difficult to reliably control with herbicides under increasing CO2 […]
EU GRANTS Active Projects M3NIR project Integrated, Modular, Multisensing, Mid- and Near- IR sensingplatform M3NIR (Integrated, Modular, Multisensing, Mid- and Near- IR sensingplatform) project with the aim to develop innovative photonics-basedsensing approaches has started on 1 st of January 2023. The internationalconsortium of 13 partners from all over Europe plans to boost significantlysensing technology in terms […]