Room Temperature Pulsed Single Mode Laser
RT-P-DFB-QCL Room Temperature Pulsed Single Mode Lasers In a Single Mode Laser, a grating is etched into the active region to force the operation of the laser at very specific wavelength determined by the grating periodicity. As a result, the laser emits on a single spectral setting which may be adjusted slightly by changing the […]
High Power Lasers
High Power LasersRT-HP-FP-QCL High Power Sources have a minimum average power of 1W and more than 9W of peak power. Available in a collimated HHL package with a dedicated driver, these lasers can be used for free-space optical communications, energy deposition, illumination and IR countermeasures. High Power lasers are currently available at the following central […]
eXtended Tuning Laser
“eXtended Tuning Laser”QC-XT Alpes Lasers offers two types of extended tuning devices, both of which allow rapid tuning at fixed temperature in a wider range than standard DFB lasers. The QC-ET allows fully continuous tuning over 0.4% of the central wavelength, while the QC-XT described here allows piece-wise continuous tuning over 2% of the central wavelength (40 cm-1 at […]
Room Temperature Pulsed Broad Gain Laser for EC

Room Temperature Pulsed Broad Gain Laser for ECRT-P-BG-QCL Multimode lasers such the Room Temperature Continuous Wave Broad Gain Illuminator can be used in an External Cavity to provide single-mode operation with a broad tunability. Alpes Laser offers a integrated external cavity system called the Glider; on this page you can find chips similar to those […]
High Peak Power Laser
High Peak Power Laser RT-HPP-FP-QCL Alpes Lasers introduces its new high peak power sources. Based on a unique gain-guided design, these Quantum Cascade Lasers are optimized for emitting short pulses from 20 ns to 1000 ns with minimum peak power of 20 W, or ~5 microjoules per pulse. Available on submount or in a HHL […]
Cryogenic Single Mode Laser
Cryogenic Single Mode Laser LN2-DFB-QCL In a Single Mode Laser, a grating is etched into the active region to force the operation of the laser at very specific wavelength determined by the grating periodicity. As a result, the laser emits on a single spectral setting which may be adjusted slightly by changing the temperature of […]
S-2 QCL Pulser
S-2 QCL Pulser Warning! A recently discovered bug in the S-2m pulser may trigger unwanted behaviour if the pulser is quickly rebooted after a power failure. In order to operate the system safely, you should always wait at least 30 seconds after a power failure or shutdown before you start the pulser again. An updated […]
Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for pulsed lasers
Quantum Cascade Laser Starter Kit for pulsed lasersSK for pulsed lasers The QCL Starter Kit contains all the necessary accessories to operate pulsed QCL. It comprises the following elements: S-2 Pulser TC-3 Temperature Controller Cables to connect accessories to HHL or LLH housing It is often purchased with the following optional elements: Laser Laboratory Housing, or […]