Alpes Lasers produces a wide variety of laser sources, covering a very broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Alpes Lasers technologies add value to the following market segments


Beam Combiner
Beam Combiner The Alpes Lasers Beam Combiner is a platform that allows the output beam of two different quantum cascade lasers in standard HHL housing
S-4 CW Driver
S-4 CW Driver High Compliance CW Driver for Quantum Cascade Lasers The S-4 High Compliance CW driver is compatible with QCL or ICL lasers from
QC-XT Laser used for CO/N2O/CO2/H2O detection
A team from the University of Bari in collaboration with Alpes Lasers uses a QC-XT laser combined with a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy setup to measure
ICL External Cavity
Interband Cascade Lasers are now available as a broad gain lasers suitable for use in an external cavity. Interband Cascade Lasers are available as a broad gain lasers suitable
Tumor and Lymph Node on Chip
Alpes Lasers joins project on tumor and lymph node on Chip for cancer studies Alpes Lasers is a partner in the recently-launched Tumor-LN-oC project which proposes the development
PWest 2021
In 2021 the Photonics West exhibition is virtual only but as always we will be present! Come to our booth to chat or discuss via video anytime