EU GRANT Active Project
DemosAxia offers a coherent package of actions, in terms of strategy development, innovation, training and outreach activities. Overall, DemosAxia aims to improve the high-added value products/services available in South-East and South-West Europe. A project like DemosAxia can maximize the added value and impact of projects IMOCO4.E and GRAPHEYE, including their platforms, networks, associations, and other initiatives consisting of identifying and leveraging the resources and creating new sources of value that form the base for building synergy.
Connections and actions that are going to be developed between the DemosAxia consortium and similar or related projects or initiatives, will add value to the results generated already by previous or ongoing projects. The synergies will help in spreading the project’s results to a broader audience but also to learn from other projects’ findings. Interaction and exploitation of synergies with other projects and initiatives will be exploited to increase the outreach of potential stakeholders by organize joint events, exchange knowledge, experience, and best practices, and stimulate discussions among key players.

Funding programme type: Horizon Europe
Grant reference #: 101160387
Website: DemosAxia project
- CEA-Leti
- ALPES LASERS SA, Switzerland
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